Greeting from Lecturer Yusuke Nishimura.
The Spinal Cord Group is responsible for the treatment of various spinal cord diseases, primarily degenerative diseases, but also spinal cord tumors, spinal cord vascular disorders, spinal infections, and spinal cord trauma. In the Group, doctors can acquire a wide range of techniques, from microsurgery to minimally invasive spinal correction and fixation.
Given the recent advent of Japan’s aging society, the number of our patients will continue to increase, which makes this an extremely important field.
The Nagoya University Spinal Cord Group has one of the highest caseloads and one of the largest numbers of personnel in the field of neurosurgery in Japan, and the Group conducts high-level clinical care and research with the Nagoya University Hospital as its base.
In addition, thanks to our collaboration with the University of Toronto in Canada, we are able to conduct overseas clinical training and advance our learning through experience in a large number of surgical procedures.
I hope that more aspiring neurosurgeons will choose spinal cord disease as their area of expertise.