Greeting from Clinical Assistant Professor Tomotaka Ishizaki.
We specialize in epilepsy surgery for intractable epilepsy.
The distinctive feature of our technique is that it is an epilepsy surgery that utilizes cerebral white matter anatomy, radiological and electrophysiological methods, and higher brain function assessments to preserve maximum brain functions.
We are conducting research activities using cutting-edge functional brain imaging (neuroimaging) to elucidate the intracerebral network and to seek clinical applications in new surgical treatment (neuromodulation).
Our group specializes in surgical treatment and research activities that combine various modalities, such as functional MRI (fMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG, SEEG, ECoG), and brain function mapping and our field is the only one where you can touch a living brain and approach its mechanics directly. As a surgeon, I will do my best to contribute to the fascinating world of neuroscience.