Greeting from KenichiroiwamiLecturer
After graduating from Nagoya University, I joined the Department of Neurosurgery and have studied mainly open craniotomy surgery. Craniotomy surgery includes cerebrovascular bypass surgery, clipping of cerebral aneurysms, removal of brain tumours, skull base surgery and functional surgery for facial spasm and trigeminal neuralgia. Nagoya University and its affiliated facilities are among the largest in the country, and I was fortunate to have an environment in which to study such a wide range of surgeries. The Nagoya University benign tumour group performs the removal of benign tumours using state-of-the-art 3D exoscopes and 4K endoscopes, allowing patients to undergo safe surgery with smaller wounds than before while remaining in a comfortable position (minimally invasive surgery and key hole surgery). On the other hand, we also perform a number of large and difficult operations in situations where radical cure is required, such as simultaneous multi-specialty surgery for large skull base tumours that spread from the head to the face and neck (major craniotomy). In order to provide safe, minimally invasive and highly curative surgery to all patients who require craniotomy, it is necessary to continually adopt equipment and techniques that are constantly advancing and to continue to learn all kinds of techniques. The Nagoya University Neurosurgery Department is equipped with such equipment and techniques, and is blessed with an excellent learning environment, so please join us in our efforts!