Greeting from Associate Professor Kazuya Motomura
We are engaged in multidisciplinary treatment that combines surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy for all brain tumors, from benign to malignant.< br />
In particular, in order to combat tumors in regions of the brain involved in language and movement, we perform maximum tumor resection while preserving its brain function, using a technique called "awake surgery".
In addition, Nagoya University Hospital is equipped with "Intraoperative MRI", which allows surgeons to ascertain the extent of brain tumor resection during surgery.
This allows us to see and assess any changes in tumor location and identify residual tumors, making higher-precision surgeries possible.We perform awake surgery, which prioritizes the preservation of brain functions, and safe brain tumor resections that integrate state-of-the-art image-guided surgery technology using intraoperative MRI, as part of our efforts to do everything we can for all brain tumor patients.