Nagoya University Department of Neurosurgery Ranked 50th in [World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2024]
The Department of Neurosurgery at Nagoya University has been ranked 50th worldwide in the field of neurosurgery in the prestigious [World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2024,] a joint survey conducted by Newsweek, a leading American media outlet, and Statista, a global data research firm.
This ranking evaluates specialized hospitals around the world based on recommendations from healthcare professionals, treatment outcomes, and patient satisfaction. Being included in this ranking is a testament to the exceptional quality of medical care and cutting-edge research provided by the Nagoya University Department of Neurosurgery.
We remain committed to delivering the highest standard of care to our patients and contributing to the advancement of global medical science.
World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2024
Takashi Izumi presented on the superselective embolization of the vasa vasorum supplying a large partially thrombosed vertebral artery aneurysm and was awarded the President's Special Prize at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy.
Professor Saito and Ooka from our department attended the CNS (Congress of Neurological Surgeons) 2024 Annual Meeting, held in Houston, Texas, from September 28 to October 2. Professor Saito, as the President of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, delivered an invited lecture, where he presented an overview of this year's Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society and shared the efforts of the various groups within Nagoya University’s Department of Neurosurgery. Our colleague, Dr. Tomoya Nishii (Sakura General Hospital), gave an oral presentation, while Ooka presented a poster. This congress gathered neurosurgeons from across North America, providing a valuable opportunity to present the latest research, foster connections with overseas neurosurgeons, and explore cutting-edge surgical devices displayed in the exhibition.
Dr. Kazuto Takeuchi was awarded the Ueno Prize for the best paper related to brain tumor surgery last year at the Brain Tumor Surgery Society.
Dr. Eisuke Tsukamoto, a member of the Spinal Disorders Group, was awarded the Outstanding Paper Award at the 106th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Chubu Regional Branch of the Japan Neurosurgical Society for his study titled 'Analysis of Two Cases of 11-Level Spinal Fixation for Multiple Spinal Metastases.'
Dr. Yoshitaka Nagashima was awarded the Best Poster Prize at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Spinal Surgery Society, held on Thursday, June 13, and Friday, June 14, 2024. The title of the presentation was 'A Case of Conus Glioma Diagnosed by DNA Methylation Analysis.'
対象:脳神経外科に興味をお持ちの研修医の先生方、医学部 5・6年生の学生さん
西村由介先生の教育セミナーでの発表の内容は日本脊髄外科学会の機関紙である脊髄外科(SPINAL SURGERY)に掲載されます。
国立病院機構 名古屋医療センター・医療法人豊田会 刈谷豊田総合病院・愛知厚生連 安城更生病院・小牧市民病院・豊橋市民病院・岡崎市民病院 脳神経外科・西尾市民病院・稲沢市民病院・半田市立半田病院・名古屋掖済会病院・公立陶生病院・静岡済生会総合病院・地域医療機能推進機構中京病院・市立四日市病院・愛知厚生連 海南病院 脳神経外科・日赤愛知医療センター名古屋第一病院・日本赤十字社愛知医療センター名古屋第二病院・大垣市民病院・名古屋大学医学部附属病院
Ms. Sachi Maeda (final year PhD scholar) won the Top Scoring Abstract Award at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Brain Tumor.
Ms. Sachi Maeda (PhD course third year, D3) has been selected for the 2021 Tokai National University Organization Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher in the Field of Bioscience.
Dr. Ryuta Saito has been appointed as the Professor and Chairman of Neurosurgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine on December 16, 2020.